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Are inflatable kayaks easy to get in and out of?

Most of our inflatable kayaks are easy to get in and out of, but some more so than others.

Cockpit size

One feature to consider is the cockpit size – the smaller the cockpit, the harder it can be to get in and out of, depending on whether there is a zipper.

On the flip side, the sit-on-top kayaks have no cockpit, they are completely open, so you can just flop in and flop out!

Drop Stitch Floors in Kayaks 1

Small, fixed cockpit

The following kayaks have a fixed cockpit, which means you have to be able to fold your legs into and out of that cockpit.


Small cockpit with zipper

In comparison, the following kayaks all have the same sized cockpit as the AirFusion EVO, but they have zippers down the deck, so if you are having trouble with your legs, you can simply unzip to give yourself more room.

Large, fixed cockpit

The AdvancedFrame Sport and the AdvancedFrame Ultralite have fixed size cockpits, but they are much, much bigger than the AirFusion EVO, which means most people can get in and out quite easily.

Open-deck kayaks

The StraitEdge line and the AirVolution line are basically open-deck kayaks – there really isn’t a hole for you to climb into, you are just sitting on top, which is nice and easy.

Rigidity of floor

The kayaks with the high-pressure floors are easier to get in and out of – partly because you have something firm to push off, but also because you tend to sit higher in these kayaks.

The following kayaks have a high-pressure floor:


The more stable a kayak is, the easier it is to get in and out of because you can basically fall into it. All our kayaks are very stable, except the AirFusion EVO – it requires a little bit of concentration to get in and out of.

The following kayaks are VERY stable:


advancedframe sport kayak peter kinson selfie

Really Easy to Get Going, Right out of the Box!
Review by Peter

“The large opening is great for easy entry & exit but I have made a custom splash cover to fit, as the larger opening collects more drips, splashes and rain, and the cover helps reduce sun on my legs… read more

advancedframe kayak linda lambooy

Kayaking on the Murray River at Moama
Review by Linda

I love the AdvancedFrame Kayak! Easy to transport, pump up and carry to the water and to get inread more

Open-Deck Kayaks

Large, Fixed Cockpit Kayaks

Small Cockpit with Zipper

Small, Fixed Cockpit Kayaks